
About EqualSlate

I'm the mind behind EqualSlate. It's a place I created to share some nifty advice about topics close to my heart - all served up with a side of the truth, no bias allowed

What's my thing? Interior design ideas, Home and garden Maintanence, Home Improvement, Sustainable Designs, Smart Home Devices reviewing etc. Want to make your home look the bee's knees? I'm your guy.

So, let’s start exploring, learning, and most importantly - having real fun together! Here's to a future full of knowledge and free from bias. Cheers!


I'm Midhun Radhakrishnan, and I'm into a bunch of stuff that keeps me busy and happy. So, here's the deal: I'm pretty good at a few things like designing spaces, making websites, and getting the word out about cool stuff online.

I'm just a guy who loves learning new things and doing them well. People seem to like what I do, and that's pretty cool. So yeah, that's me – always learning, always striving for excellence, and always up for a new challenge!